How long will it take for my child to learn to swim?
The number one question we receive online and at administration at our swim school is: How long will it take for my child to learn to...

Baby Bath Conditioning: How to Familiarise Your Baby With Water and Prepare Them for Swimming Lesson
Preparing your baby for swimming lessons Babies arrive in the world from the warm liquid environment of their mother’s womb, free of...

Why is parental involvement important in swimming lessons?
Baby and Toddler swimming lessons often recommend that parents stay in the water and participate in their child’s lesson. ...

Study shows kids are smarter when they swim
Study shows kids are smarter when they swim VO: Children who learn how to swim from a young age are ahead of their peers on a number of...

Practising when not in lessons
There are many ways to ensure that your child is practicing the skills used in swimming lessons. Here are some tips to help: Get In The...